Why Gancarz?
At Gancarz Painting, our trusted employee painters are pre-screened, lawful U.S workers who have been in this trade for years! We provide a 2 year warranty on all paint jobs! Gancarz Painting is EPA certified in renovation, repair and painting activities. Foremen are EPA certified renovators and painters are trained in EPA renovation systems. We are fully licensed/insured and workers must go through our thorough interview/screening process then pass our painting trial and training before starting in the field. A foreman and/or supervisor will be on the job sites to be sure any service provided is completed to the Gancarz Painting standard. All projects must pass our final inspection process, where we look over every square foot of the work that was done. This final step brings our job from an A to an A+!
The standard for most painting contractors has been lowering for years, as well as consumers expectations. At Gancarz Painting, we believe in raising that standard, back to where it once was. We use higher quality materials, tools, and methods compared to many contractors and combined with our expertise, we bring the products to their ultimate potential. Skilled, experienced and knowledgeable professionals provide beautiful, lasting results. Due to key systems/methods and dedicated crews, our efficiency is reflected in our timely completion and your affordable price. We train workers to our high standard and to keep things neat and clean on jobsites. We never use flawed tools or materials and regularly wash or replace the drop cloths that we bring into your property! The only way to keep our business successful is to leave successful, Uncompromised Finishes at your home, property and business.
We believe in honest pricing and sales! Unfortunately, sales gimmicks and discounts designed by most contracting companies today are usually more deceitful to the customer, rather the beneficial. With the lack of trust in contractors today, our goal has been to break through this stereotype with our business. We understand that keeping things simple and being honest with our customers is more beneficial to our business as a whole, rather then using deceitful business practices to increase short-term sales. Rather then overcharging a customer, we believe in giving that customer a fair price and providing a high-quality service to then be recommended to new customers. Our systems and efficiency keep prices very competitive yet we know what we have to price to stay in business, so during every estimate our customers are always given a rock bottom price!
The standard for most painting contractors has been lowering for years, as well as consumers expectations. At Gancarz Painting, we believe in raising that standard, back to where it once was. We use higher quality materials, tools, and methods compared to many contractors and combined with our expertise, we bring the products to their ultimate potential. Skilled, experienced and knowledgeable professionals provide beautiful, lasting results. Due to key systems/methods and dedicated crews, our efficiency is reflected in our timely completion and your affordable price. We train workers to our high standard and to keep things neat and clean on jobsites. We never use flawed tools or materials and regularly wash or replace the drop cloths that we bring into your property! The only way to keep our business successful is to leave successful, Uncompromised Finishes at your home, property and business.
We believe in honest pricing and sales! Unfortunately, sales gimmicks and discounts designed by most contracting companies today are usually more deceitful to the customer, rather the beneficial. With the lack of trust in contractors today, our goal has been to break through this stereotype with our business. We understand that keeping things simple and being honest with our customers is more beneficial to our business as a whole, rather then using deceitful business practices to increase short-term sales. Rather then overcharging a customer, we believe in giving that customer a fair price and providing a high-quality service to then be recommended to new customers. Our systems and efficiency keep prices very competitive yet we know what we have to price to stay in business, so during every estimate our customers are always given a rock bottom price!